Your Top 10 Recipes of 2018 (2024)


Your Top 10 Recipes of 2018 (1)

Drumroll, please! Yesterday, I shared my favorite recipes from 2018, and today I’m sharing your favorite recipes. I’m thrilled that these recipes have become staples in your kitchen.

I had a hunch that the blueberry muffins and cauliflower soup from Love Real Food might make the list. The crispy potato wedges were a clear winner, and I’m happily surprised that you’re as crazy about my sunshine salad dressing as I am.

Thank you so much for your feedback on the recipes. I work hard on them and I love hearing from you in the comments and seeing how your recipes turn out on Instagram (don’t forget #cookieandkate)! You keep me inspired.

If you are looking for healthy recipes to start the new year right, you will find a bunch of great options here. Which recipe was your favorite?

1) Classic Minestrone Soup

Easily gluten free and easily vegan

“I have been looking for a good minestrone soup recipe for quite some time and this one is OUTSTANDING. I’ve already shared it with several friends because I was so blown away by how delicious this turned out. It is easy to make yet the taste is so spot on that you think it took a lot of effort and time. This is my new go-to soup recipe and I know I will continue to make this for years to come. Thank you for sharing!” – Mary

2) Sunshine Salad Dressing

Gluten free

“This salad dressing is incredible. It’s so delicious I’m putting it on everything. Cold potatoes. Pasta. I’d bathe in it if I could make enough! :-D” – Kath

3) Favorite Broccoli Salad

Gluten free and easily vegan

“Thanks so much–this was delicious! Crunchy, full of texture and very satisfying. Perfect for trying to make up for all the chocolate treats that were in my stocking recently. Will definitely be my go-to Broccoli Salad recipe!” – Linda

4) Peanut Slaw with Soba Noodles

Easily gluten free and vegan

“I have made this recipe so many times! Mostly for myself, but I have also brought it to a few potluck-style gatherings and it was a hit every time. Super simple to make and very addicting!” – Diane

5) Healthy Blueberry Muffins

Easily gluten free and easily vegan

“These are fabulous. I’ve made them many times since buying the cookbook and I can’t get enough! They’re light and fluffy and just sweet enough. I always make them with honey and light olive oil, and I always make a double batch and freeze them to have for breakfast over the course of a couple of weeks. Fantastic recipe!” – L.S.

6) Creamy Roasted Cauliflower Soup

Gluten free and easily vegan

“Omg this is the best cauliflower soup recipe I have ever made and I have made a lot. This will definitely go into my soup rotation. Thank you Cookie and Kate for providing such great tasting recipes.” – Angie

7) French Carrot Salad

Gluten free and easily vegan

“Oh my gosh!!!! Thank you so much for posting this recipe. I spent a summer in Paris in 2006 and fell in love with this salad, which was cheap and vegetarian so it checked all my boxes. I’ve been meaning to recreate it for awhile, and I finally did with your recipe. It was delicious and took me back. Amazing <3” – K.

8) Ultra Crispy Baked Potato Wedges

Gluten free and vegan

“Kate! These crispy baked potato wedges are the new food love of my life! Seriously! They are better than any deep fried french fries or oven baked fries I’ve ever had. Soaking the potatoes in hot water is the secret of all secrets in achieving the perfect crispiness on the outside while keeping the insides soft…exactly what everyone wants in a french fry. I used avocado oil, which has a high smoking point and they were to die for! Thanks for all of your wonderful recipes. Love your blog :)” – Suzette


Easily gluten free and easily vegan

“This recipe is awesome! As a vegetarian I’m always looking for something nutritious and simple yet gourmet. This one delivers all! Love love love it!” – Claudia

10) The Very Best Granola

Gluten free and easily vegan

“This IS the best! I’ve been making it almost every week for the past six months and we still can’t get enough of it. My husband thanks me every time I make it! We can no longer eat store-bought cereal. Ten stars! Thank you!” – Dia

More resources you might appreciate: 23 make-ahead breakfast recipes and 20 simple weeknight dinners. You can shop my essential kitchen equipment here. Don’t forget to follow us on Pinterest for a steady stream of recipe inspiration!

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Your Top 10 Recipes of 2018 (2024)
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Name: Rubie Ullrich

Birthday: 1998-02-02

Address: 743 Stoltenberg Center, Genovevaville, NJ 59925-3119

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Hobby: Surfing, Sailing, Listening to music, Web surfing, Kitesurfing, Geocaching, Backpacking

Introduction: My name is Rubie Ullrich, I am a enthusiastic, perfect, tender, vivacious, talented, famous, delightful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.